Computer Assisted Perfection, Worship Hopping and Multiple Selves in the “New Normal” by Petra Pierre Robertson

Online Worship Services have metamorphosed the concept of perfection.  Computer assisted technology provided the facilitation for the elimation of imperfections.  Perfect selves are projected.  Sermons, special music and song service are pre-recorded to ensure pitch-perfect displays.  Worship now boils down to who puts together the best simulated package.  This has engendered worship hopping in the virtual domain. 

Worship Hopping (Art JJR)

In the physical domain we would say the worshipper's body may be present but his mind may be elsewhere.  Virtual reality has taken this one step further.  The worshiper’s presence is there with a ‘sign-in’, his body is fixed on location, but his mind and vision are worship hopping across devices where multiple identities are accommodated under an inordinate amount of aliases made possible by the structure of various social media platforms and services.

Multiple selves heightening hits
 (Photo PPR)

Worship services are now popularised by metrics providing ‘views’ and ‘reach’, notwithstanding that the hits are heightened and exaggerated by multiple selves of one worshipper who may be spread across cyberspace in multiple identities, logged in and tuned in to various worship services at the same time.  

Difficulty focussing
 (Photo PPR)

ADHD is now infiltrating the virtual Christian environment as worshippers cannot sit still in an online session: constantly eating, moving and being easily distracted in their new worship environment; even sleeping while the worship serves as a backdrop to their activities, like light music on a rainy day.

One hour...?

In the aftermath of computer assisted perfection, worship hopping and multiple selves, the newly allowed one-hour church services, may seem like a long, all day session, for the recently indoctrinated online worshipper.  

May the recent experiences of the new normal not prevent us from actively participating in  on-site worship as we step back into the physical domain!


  1. Good read....that's exactly i how feel during these online sessions. But i welcome the 1 hr services at least we will get to meet face to face with the brethren even if it's at arm's length.

    1. With the eyes. Everything else will be masked. The eyes are windows to the soul. The eyes tell whether a smile is real or not. :-)

  2. Why do I fit so perfectly in this metamorphosis? Have mercy Jesus. I definitely will not stop participating in the soon onsite worship programs. The prblm fo me is when would I start attending onsite worshp services.. I loved the reading.

    1. Soon. But with restrictions that belie the entire purpose of onsite fellowship...

  3. So true and actually fun hopping. It will be sorely missed when church re opens. Lol

    1. Creativity and innovation will be required...without diluting the true essence of worship.


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