Why is this happening?
Why is this happening? This preliminary post is triggered by a question asked by Antonio: "Why is this happening? Who wants to be a follower of someone who is killing millions of people just for the purpose of saying 'follow me?' For us to be more in touch with ourselves? What is the greater purpose? Please share your thoughts." I guess many other persons are asking the same questions. I myself have been mulling over this crisis. I have privately chronicled so many thoughts since this epidemic, now pandemic, unfolded. I will share some of them in this blog. Do also feel free to post your feedback. This was my response to Antonio: " Hi Antonio. The only answer I have to 'why', from a Christocentric perspective, is 'the sin problem'. It does not give God any pleasure; nor does it put the love of God in question. God wept when Lazarus died, even though He is the Resurrection and Life (J ohn 11:25 ). If in this life onl...